IHC Hawke's Bay Photography Club
Our first ever workshop was early in 2021 and it was great to have three from that workshop join us again in December 2022. This new team of 8 attended each weekly 1 hour workshop over 6 weeks. Each workshop was at a different venue, including a historic church and theatre, the beach and rose gardens.
There was a lot of learning during the workshop such as composition and looking for points of interest to draw the eye in with colour and texture. We finished the workshop with a presentation and a celebration of each photographers achievements.
Going forward our plan is to assist each individual to enter into the IHC Photography awards 2023( tbc) and to also run an extended workshop around portraiture, and film making.
Below are a selection of images from each of the team. Click on each image to see the name of the photographer.
Final presentation
We finished our time together with a film showing everyones photographs they had taken and highlights from the 6 week workshop. Each photographer also received a copy of one of their photographs to keep.