Sign on for FOTO INC ONLINE WORKSHOP 2025 here

Terms and Conditions for FOTO IWI workshops

This completed registration form and payment must be received by Foto iwi no later than 2 days prior to the workshop. Please note that no refunds will be given if absent from the programme. Drop off or pick up outside of these hours by arrangement only and may incur additional charges .

Waiver: I Parent/caregiver herby agree to my child / children partaking in the workshop.
I accept that Foto iwi will not be liable for any harm or injury that child / children may incur, but understand that they will endeavour to provide a safe, positive environment where risks are minimised and quality experiences are maximised.
I accept responsibility for notifying Foto iwi of any medical conditions my child / children may have and how to administer medication when required.
I accept responsibility for notifying Foto iwi of any changes to be made to the information supplied prior to and during the programme including changes of attendance.
I accept that if any photographs are taken of my child / children they are to be solely used for promotional purposes .
I consent to my child’s photograph being taken during the workshop as part of the programme, and used for promotional purposes.
I consent to Foto iwi collecting personal details provided above, retaining and using this for updating their own holiday programme databases.
This is in accordance with the Privacy Act 1997